Contacting us

Secure contact form for people who want to invest in Swiss real estate

Switzerland is yours   |  Living in Switzerland 

If you want to invest in Swiss real estate, (buy a vacation house or appartment, or a whole invesment building in Switzerland) please fill the form below. If you are looking for another service, please visit our contact page.

We take your privacy seriously, and this form will be automatically encrypted by your browser using SSL before it is send over the internet to our offices in Switzerland.

We ask the most basic information that we need to assess your chances of getting a residential permit in Switzerland. Fields with a red label are mandatory. Needless to say, we keep everything we receive totally confidential.


A. Personal information

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-1. Full name
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-2. Citizenship
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-3. Country of residence

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-4. Email address
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-5. Occupation
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-6. Phone number
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-7. Fax number
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-8. address
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Please include a valid email address or phone or fax numbers. If you don't have any of those, give us your mailing adress. We answer emails in priority, usually within 24 hours.

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B. Information about your real estate investments in Switzerland

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-1. What are you looking for?
. Buy a vacation appartment, house or chalet     
Buy an investment building

We neither book hotel rooms nor let vacation appartments or chalets

-2. What is your price range?
-3. Where in Switzerland?
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C. Complementary information
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-1. Where did you learn about our services?


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Click to encrypt and send your form =>


We answer most inquiries within one or two business days.

Switzerland is yours  |    Living in Switzerland