I based this work mainly on Tardell's book and on Josephson's. I used others as a
source of documents and figures. Clicking on the links below will take you to an online
bookshop where you can buy the books if you wish.
Chernow, Ron, Titan, The
Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr, Random House, New YOrk : 1998 
The best book in print about the man and its business, written by an
outstanding business historian who also wrote about JP Morgan and the Warburgs. The only
book you need for a term paper or to get an extensive understanding of the man.
Dalemont, Etienne, L'industrie du pétrole, PUF (QSJ?) : Paris,
Très bon résumé (court évidemment) de l'aventure de la Standart Oil.
Un des bons Que sais-je? à mon avis.
Folsom, Burton, The Myth of the Robber Barons, Young America's
Foundation : Herndon, 1991
Right-wing think-tank, that would like us to see Rockfeller as
a philanthrop driven by the desire to light poor people's houses with the cheapest oil
Hidy, Ralph & Muriel, Pioneering in Big Business 1882-1911, Business
History Foundation: NY, 1955
An official history of the Standard, with a portrait galery of old
directors. Of course very partial, but good source of documents and figures.
Josephson, Matthew, The Robber Barons, Harcourt Brace : NY, 1934
A book written at a time when the Robber Barons were still remembered in
a vivid fashion. Presentation of John D. Rockfeller along with other that had
nothing to desire from him.
Knowles, Ruth, The First Pictorial History of the American Oil and Gas Industry
1859-1983, Ohio UP : Athen, 1983
Interesting summary of the SOC operations and their importance in
american economic history.
Lee, Jim, The Supreme Court decides to break up Standart Oil,
Article from an american industrial history encyclopedia summarizing the
Tarbell, Ida, The History of the Standart Oil Company, Mc Millan :
NY, 1904
The classic book against the SOC, one that led to the 1911 ruling.
Partisan and dated, but very well documented, with many first hand testimonies from the
Oil Regions, and well written.