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Phrases you should master perfectly
Some useful phrases you should say correctly


Here's  a list of the minimum phrases you should master perfectly, including the nuances and contexts in which you can say them (time of day for greetings, formality, etc...) and pronunciation.

Hello / Good morning /  afternoon /evening Beware of the exact time when you can say Good morning and so on. For example in spanish and italian, after respectively 12:00 and1 14:00 people will correct you if you say Good morning instead of Good afternoon. Say it correctly, they will respect you.
Hi ! Find the most common informal greetings, as well as the latest "in" greeting in the area you visit
My name is -
How old are you ?
Where are you from ? Also learn all the necessary explanations you need to answer this one.
Are you married ? Also learn all the necessary explanations you need to answer this one.
I'm learning your language but do not speak it very well. -
Sorry Sir, I did not understand the word XXX. You see, I'm learning your beautiful language... This one is to use when someone answered you rudely because you made a mistake or did not understand, and will turn the most insolent assholes in helpful teachers.
Could you please write this word for me ? Find the most polite formulation you can, smile and give the person a blank flash card. People are happy to look smart, and most will help you.
How do you say that in (name of your target language) ? A good tool to increase your vocabulary.


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