Sky Ranch Estate

A picture I managed to get of the Sky Ranch after taking off.
I had seen the name of this airfield on the map and, hoping to spend the night there, I decided to check if it was one of these pilot communities I had read about.
It was exactly that, though I was very disappointed. Buy
a plot of land in the most desolate place you can find, (making sure first of all, that it has a dry climate) build an airfield right in the middle and add houses around it one after the other. Remember to build a two-car garage and a hangar beside each house and connect them all to the runway with
taxiways. Now, you have built a Sky Ranch Estate.
I had stopped with the idea of maybe spending the night there, but as the
retired airplane mechanic who refueled my plane explain to me, there were absolutely no
shops whatsoever in this community. I asked where they bought their food, and the reply
came "Take the plane. Go to Vegas." That was it. I left for better
skies, heading east. |