Feedback Received





August September October November December January February
Different hosts 46 1'763 1'939 2'860 2'742 3'067 2'839


2'526 39'738 42'419 75'789 68'414 68'028 68'554

Page views

444 6'790 6'439 11'410 10'830 11'994 12'214

per day

15 238 208 380 350 387 437

Cumulative page views

444 7'234 13'673 25'083 35'913 47'907 60'121
Different hosts
is the number of different computer that visited my site, that is, the different IP addresses.
Refer to raw hits, a quite meaningless figure that you should forget.
Page views
refer to htm. documents hits, that is, pages, not to the stupid figure of raw hits that you sometimes can read. This would yield 10 hits per download of page A if page A contains 9 graphics, sounds, programs or other inline files, plus one for the page itself.
Click me to see in a new window a big map (32KB) showing the country of origin of the visitors This site was first published in August 1997, after my final exams at the University left me some time. I first thought that this site would be used mainly by people who knew me beforehand, and by a few strangers who would stumble on it by chance. The total opposite happened : the friends to whom I gave the site's address paid a polite visit if at all, but as soon as I began my advertising campaign in the newsgroups and the search engines, a flood of strangers began to visit my site. Some come by error and go away in the next click, but most people seem to stay on the part of the site they arrived in, and then move to other parts. A guy at the NASA even spent more than a full hour reading everything on my site ! As you can see below I got visitors from most part of the internet-developed world, with a pseudo concentration on the US because of the log files analysis software affectation of all the .com, .org and .net computers to this country. Flying the Desert was intended to be an as-interesting-as-can-be account of my flight, to encourage non-american pilots to go and fly in the US. Again, the opposite happened : most of the readers of this site come from the US, mainly from the regions I overflew. I get every week emails from nice people who thank me for sharing this flight with them, which I always appreciate.

I wish I'd receive more critic email that could help me improve this site.

The volume of visitors varies wildly with the newsgroups submitting that I make, the dead tree newspaper articles that are published, but it almost never dropped below 200 page views per day.

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