Jost Burgi, Swiss inventor of logarithms
The invention of logarithms is usually
attributed to Jean Napier, Lord of Merchiston, aka Neper.
This man was born in Merchiston in 1550 and died in 1617, publishing his Mirifici
Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio in 1614, and a posthumous Mirifici Logarithmorum
Canonis Constructio was published by his son in 1619. Of course the
problem of helping the computation of complex multiplications and divisions had interested
many people, but its most efficient solution, logarithms, are usually. attributed to
A Swiss clock maker, Jost Burgi was born in 1552 in
Lichtensteig and died 79 year later in 1632, working on astronomical clocks for German
kings and on mathematics for himself.
Although he published his table, Tafeln arithmetischer und geometrischer
Zahlenfolgen mit einer gründlichen Erläuterungen, wie sie zu verstehen sind und
gebraucht werden können, only in 1620, the invention came much
earlier, in 1588. We know it through a letter of the astronom Reimarus
Ursus Dithmarus, who explains that Bürgi had a method to simplify his calculations,
the logarithms.
I'm not so much of a Chauvin, but this is not a common occurence in history and
nobody speaks about the humble Jost Burgi nowadays, do I decided to publish it. |